The First Week of Quitting Smoking [I Quit Smoking Blog Series]

Aug 6, 2015

one week after quitting

The first week I stopped smoking was the most difficult time for me. This was the time when the withdrawal symptoms were so overwhelming. Most of the time, I found myself staring into space. People around me had a hard time talking to me. I felt cranky and drained.

In this blog post, I will share the seven techniques I used to fight the nicotine cravings during the first seven days.

  1. I avoided smokers. I admit that I could easily give in to my urges if I hang out with my friends who smoke, so I avoided them for the meantime. I also asked my siblings to not smoke inside the house when I’m home.

  2. I went to bed early. I avoided drinking coffee after 6 P.M. so that I can rest early. I still had several series of panic attacks that woke me up in the middle of the night. However, since stores are closed during the wee hours of the morning and I no longer kept cigarettes in the house, I had no choice but to just overcome my cravings.

  3. I got rid of lighters and the ash tray I kept in my room. I also changed my bed sheets and pillow cases so that my bed will have a fresh scent and free of any smoke odor.

  4. I drank plenty of water. This actually helped me a lot. Increasing my fluid intake didn’t just detoxify my body, but it also made my hands and mouth busy.

  5. I constantly reminded myself of the reasons why I’m quitting. I can’t always channel my cravings toward eating or drinking water because these can be harmful too when overdone. That’s why I also convinced myself to don’t give in to my urges by constantly reminding myself why I’m doing this.

  6. I didn’t look for alternatives that may only worsen my situation. I bought e-cigarettes before to help me quit smoking, but it turned out to be an ineffective alternative. I even tried gradual reduction, but this method also failed and I even got sick as a result. Also, I didn’t want to try nicotine patches, gums, and lozenges because I want to quit without having to spend so much money. That’s why I decided to just stop immediately or go cold turkey.

  7. I read articles online why I experienced cravings and withdrawal symptoms after I quit. It’s not enough reason for me to simply say that I got addicted with smoking, and that’s why my body constantly longs for cigarettes. I wanted a complete answer—something that’s backed by a scientific explanation. As a result of my research, I learned that the reason why I craved for cigarettes is because of its nicotine content—which is an addictive substance. And because I was a smoker for 12 years, it’s just normal to feel intense cravings after I stopped. What I learned about cigarettes helped me find other ways on how I can quickly flush the nicotine out of my system. And that’s what I will share on my next post.

I’m glad because some of my friends told that they also stopped smoking after I created this segment on my blog and shared it on Facebook. Because of this, I am even more motivated to continue on this endeavor. Thank you very much to my friends who also quit smoking. Also, I’d like to express my gratitude to my family and friends for their support.

Archive: I Quit Smoking Blog Series
Previous Post: The First Day I Quit Smoking
Next Post: One Month Smoke-Free, I No Longer Hate Myself :-)

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  1. Hi Aris. Each of these techniques could, in my opinion, also be applied to losing weight. Avoid big eaters/occasions where people eat lots of food (buffets), go to bed early to stay away from the temptation of late-night snacks, get rid of junk food in my home, drink plenty of water (helps curb hunger pains, plus it's healthy), constantly remind yourself of why you're quitting, don't look for alternatives (diet pills, etc), read articles about why you experience food cravings. Thanks, Aris.

    1. Yes Margaret. Thanks for dropping by. :-)



Aris Moreno is the owner of, a blog that aims to inspire and motivate people to be positive and happy. Life was not easy for him in the past and he went through different problems, but because of a positive disposition, he was able to rise up and overcome his trials. These experiences became his guide and inspiration to write meaningful articles in his blog. For him, being able to give direction and encouragement to others is what gives him genuine joy and happiness. It’s also his way of giving glory back to God for all the blessings that he continues to receive.

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